Schenectady High School
Ballston Spa High School
Averill Park High School
Niskayuna High School
Saratoga Springs High School
Columbia High School
Colonie High School
Bethlehem High School
Badminton (Boys)
Baseball (Boys)
Basketball (Boys)
Bocce (Boys)
Bowling (Boys)
Clay Trap Shooting (Boys)
Crew (Boys)
Cross Country (Boys)
Dance (Boys)
Esports (Boys)
Fencing (Boys)
Field Hockey (Boys)
Flag Football (Boys)
Football (Boys)
Golf (Boys)
Gymnastics (Boys)
Handball (Boys)
Ice Hockey (Boys)
Lacrosse (Boys)
Outdoor Track (Boys)
Rifle (Boys)
Rugby (Boys)
Skiing (Boys)
Soccer (Boys)
Strength and Conditioning (Boys)
Swimming/Diving (Boys)
Team Tennis (Boys)
Tennis (Boys)
Volleyball (Boys)
Weightlifting (Boys)
Winter Track (Boys)
Wrestling (Boys) Badminton (Girls)
Basketball (Girls)
Bocce (Girls)
Bowling (Girls)
Cheerleading (Girls)
Clay Trap Shooting (Girls)
Crew (Girls)
Cross Country (Girls)
Dance (Girls)
Esports (Girls)
Fencing (Girls)
Field Hockey (Girls)
Flag Football (Girls)
Golf (Girls)
Gymnastics (Girls)
Handball (Girls)
Ice Hockey (Girls)
Lacrosse (Girls)
Outdoor Track (Girls)
Rifle (Girls)
Rugby (Girls)
Skiing (Girls)
Soccer (Girls)
Softball (Girls)
Strength and Conditioning (Girls)
Swimming/Diving (Girls)
Team Tennis (Girls)
Tennis (Girls)
Volleyball (Girls)
Weightlifting (Girls)
Winter Track (Girls)
Wrestling (Girls)
Junior Varsity
Modified 9
Modified 8/9
Modified 7/8/9
AMS Baseball Field
AMS Boys Lacrosse Field
AMS Boys Soccer Field
AMS Football Field
AMS Girls Lacrosse Field
AMS Girls Soccer Field
AMS Main Gymnasium
AMS Secondary Gymnasium
AMS Softball Field
APHS Football Field
APHS Auxiliary Gymnasium
APHS Cross Country Course
APHS JV Baseball Field
APHS JV Lacrosse Field
APHS JV Soccer Field
APHS JV Softball Field
APHS Main Gymnasium
APHS Tennis Courts
APHS Track
APHS Varsity Baseball Field
APHS Varsity Lacrosse Field
APHS Varsity Soccer Field
APHS Varsity Softball Field
Algonquin MS
Averill Park HS
Burden Lake Country Club
East Greenbush Bowling Center Ballston Spa Country Club
Ballston Spa High School - Baseball 2
Ballston Spa High School Gym
Ballston Spa High School pool
Ballston Spa Track
Baseball #1
Double Day
Glens Falls Civic Center
Gordon Creek Elementary School
Hudson Valley Community College
Luther Forest Athletic Field
McGregor Links Golf Course
Middle School Gym
Niskayuna High School
Pioneer Hills Golf Course
Practice Football Field - field #7
Royal Mountain
Saratoga State Park
Saratoga Strike Zone
Soccer/Lacrosse #2
Soccer/Lacrosse #3
Soccer/Lacrosse #4
Soccer/Lacrosse 6
Soccer/Lacrosse Field #1
Softball #1
Softball #2
Softball #3
Stadium Field
Tennis Courts
Union College
University at Albany
Upstate Sports Academy
soccer 5 Area 10 (Elm Ave Entrance)
Area 5
Bethlehem High School Pool
Bethlehem High School Stadium Field
Bethlehem High School Tennis Courts
Bethlehem Turf Field
High School
High School Field Hockey
High School Field Mod Soccer/Lacrosse
High School Gym A
High School Gym B
High School Gym C
High School JV Baseball Field
High School JV Boys Lacrosse
High School JV Soccer/Lacrosse
High School JV Softball Field
High School Mod Soccer/Lacrosse
High School Track
High School Varsity Baseball Field
High School Varsity Lacrosse/Soccer
High School Varsity Softball Field
Line Drive
Middle School Baseball
Middle School Gym
Middle School Lacrosse
Middle School Mod Football
Middle School Mod Soccer
Middle School Modified Baseball Field
Middle School Modified Football Field
Middle School Softball Field
Middle School Tennis Courts
Middle School Tennis Courts
Middle School Track
Roundout Valley
Schenectady, Central Park
South Hadley High School
Twin Town Little league Colonie HS Ambrosio Field
Colonie HS Field #1
Colonie HS Field #3
Colonie HS Field #4
Colonie HS JV Field #2
Colonie High Baseball Field
Colonie High School MUG
Colonie High School PIT
Colonie High School Softball Field #1
Colonie High School Softball Field #2
Colonie High Tennis Courts
Colonie High Track
Lisha Kill MS Baseball Field
Lisha Kill MS Softball Field
Lisha Kill Middle School
Lisha Kill Middle School New Gym
Pittsford Sutherland
Roessleville Elementary School
Sand Creek Field #2
Sand Creek MS Baseball Field #1
Sand Creek MS Baseball Field #2
Sand Creek MS Field #1
Sand Creek MS Tennis Courts
Sand Creek MS Track
Sand Creek Middle School
Sand Creek Softball Field
Shaker Road Elementary
Softball Field
Stadium Field Babe Ruth Field
Columbia H.S.
Genet Elementary School
Goff M.S. - S-1 Field
Goff Middle School
Myers Middle School
Nicholas Budnowski Field - Columbia H.S.
Olde Post Road Golf Course
Soccer Boys V Field Columbia H.S.
Soccer Field - Goff M.S.
Soccer Girls V Field - Columbia H.S.
Softball - Columbia H.S.
Softball Complex - Bob Burns Field
Softball Complex - Warren Winnie Field
Tennis Courts - Columbia H.S.
Wrestling Modified - Goff M.S. Academy of Holy Names
Amsterdam High School
Aqueduct Park
Ballston Spa HS
Bethlehem High School
Burnt Hills HS
Central Park A Diamond
Central Park B Diamond
Central Park C Diamond
Colonie High School MUG
Craig Elementary Baseball Field
Craig Elementary School
Glens Falls HS
Goshen High School
Guilderland High School
High School Turf Field
Hudson Valley Community College
Ichabod Crane High School
Iroquois Middle School
Italian American Community Center
La Salle
Lynch Middle School Amsterdam
Middletown High School
Miller Middle School Kingston
NHS Baseball Field
NHS Blatnick Gym
NHS Bocce Courts
NHS Field #1
NHS Field #2
NHS Field #3
NHS Pool
NHS Softball Field
NHS Stadium Field
NHS Tennis Courts
NHS Track
Niskayuna High School
Ocean Breeze Staten Island
Onondaga Community College
Sanfordville Elementary School
Schenectady A Field
Schenectady County Recreational Facility
Schenectady High School Track
Schenectady Muni Golf Course
Shenendehowa High School
Spare Time
Sports Time
Springfield College
Suffern High School
Union College
Van Antwerp MS Mod Field
Van Antwerp MS Mod 9 Field
Van Antwerp MS Baseball Field
Van Antwerp MS Softball Field
Van Antwerp Middle School
Windsor High School
Zenner Road Soccer Complex Albany County Hockey Training Facility
Baseball Field #1
Baseball Field #2
Field #1
Field #2
Field #3
Maple Ave - Softball Field
Maple Ave Middle School - Brower Lane Fields
Maple Avenue - Tennis Courts
Maple Avenue Football Field
Maple Avenue Middle School
Maple- Brower Lane - Baseball
Maple- Brower Lane Field Hockey
PBA Field
SSHS Football Stadium
SSHS JV Field Hockey
SSHS JV Soccer
SSHS Softball
SSHS Softball Field
SSHS Tennis courts
SSHS Turf Field
SSHS Varsity Soccer
Saratoga Sports Club 4254 NY-50
Saratoga Springs Fitness Center
Saratoga Springs High School
Saratoga Springs Wellness Studio
Weibel Ave Rink
West Side Rec Park
Wrestling Room CBA
Central Park
Central Park Middle School Upper Gym
Golf Rd Baseball
Golf Rd Soccer
Kipp Charter School
Larry Mulvaney Field
Mont Pleasant Middle School Field
Mont Pleasant Middle School Main Gym
Mont Pleasant Middle School Upper Gym
Oneida Middle School Gym
Oneida Middle School Softball Field
Pat Riley Sports Center- Intramural Gym
Pat Riley Sports Center- Main Gym
Pat Riley Sports Center- Pool
Pat Riley Sports Center- Weight Room
Prospect Park, Troy
Schenectady High School Soccer Field
Schenectady High School Softball/Lacrosse Field
Schenectady High School Tennis Courts
Schenectady High School Track & Field
Tamarac High School
Woodlawn Elementary School Gym
Zoller Elementary School School
Game types
Regular Season