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Sep 15, 2024
Sep 16, 2024
(G) V Soccer @ Hamilton (4:30 PM) (G) 7/8TH Soccer @ Hamilton (Modified) (4:30 PM)
Sep 17, 2024
(B) 7/8TH Soccer @ Waterville (4:30 PM) (B) V Soccer @ Waterville (6:00 PM)
Sep 18, 2024
(B) MOD7/8/9 Cross Country (Remsen/Town of Webb) Sauquoit Valley, Waterville @ Westmoreland (4:30 PM) (G) V Cross Country (Remsen/Town of Webb) Sauquoit Valley, Waterville @ Westmoreland (4:30 PM) (B) V Cross Country (Remsen/Town of Webb) Sauquoit Valley, Waterville @ Westmoreland (4:30 PM) (G) MOD7/8/9 Cross Country (Remsen/Town of Webb) Sauquoit Valley, Waterville @ Westmoreland (4:30 PM) (G) V Soccer v. Brookfield (5:00 PM)
Sep 19, 2024
(B) 7/8TH Soccer v. Poland (4:30 PM) (B) V Soccer v. Poland (6:00 PM)
Sep 20, 2024
(G) 7/8TH Soccer v. Remsen (4:30 PM) (G) V Soccer v. Remsen (7:00 PM)
Sep 21, 2024
(B) V Cross Country (Remsen/Town of Webb) @ TBD (10:00 AM) Baldwinsville: Bville - Durgee Cross Country Trail (G) V Cross Country (Remsen/Town of Webb) @ TBD (10:00 AM) Baldwinsville: Bville - Durgee Cross Country Trail