Boys Varsity Football v. Whitney Point

General information

Date Nov 4, 2022
Start time 7:00 PM
End time 9:30 PM
Location Dryden High School Stadium
Sport Football (Boys)

Transportation information
of Dryden

Bus company/driver
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time
Return Date
Return time

Dryden High School Stadium


Section Admission Prices: $6.25 Students and Adults (Through GoFan Digital Ticketing Only) ~ There will be no cash ticket sales on site. also spectators must have their digital tickets available on their mobile device, no screenshots can be redeemed, no print outs are redeemable either. Here is the link - Children 10 and under are free Section IV Athletic Passes, Section LifeTime Passes and ALL NYSPHSAA Passes are accepted for Sectionals. Parking information ~ Football Game Attendees: We ask that you park in marked spaces by the District Office as well as the lot below and alongside the Athletic Fields. We ask that you leave spaces closest to the Auditorium doors and the stairs to the stadium for people with mobility issues or who are more elderly. Football game attendees can consider entering the “second entrance” off Route 38 and following the service road along the west side of the building which will “dead end” in the gravel “overflow” parking lot that will position you steps from the stadium. Football Game and Musical attendees can park at DES. Beginning at 6:15, Football Game and Musical attendees can ride a shuttle bus from the DES parking lot to the MS/HS for both events. The shuttles will run continuously until 9:45 or the conclusion of both events. The concession stand will be open