Boys Modified 7/8/9 Football @ Whitney Point

General information

Date Sep 14, 2023
Start time 4:30 PM
End time
Location WPHS Football Practice Field
Sport Football (Boys)

Transportation information
of Dryden

Bus company/driver Dryden
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time 2:30 PM
Return Date
Return time

WPHS Football Practice Field


Whitney Point new Tymeson Field Stadium is not projected to open until Saturday 9/16. Therefore, the modified game at WP on 9/14 will have to be played on the practice field. Please let officials and coaches know that the time and score will need to be kept on the field. Spectators will need to bring lawn chairs to sit. Restroom will be located at the back of the building near the softball field. The Dryden team can be dropped off at the lower parking lot and walk to the practice field.