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Jan 28, 2025 Month Week

(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) MOD7/8/9 Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) MOD7/8/9 Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) POSTPONED: (G) V Basketball (Edmeston/Morris) @ Madison (4:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) JV Basketball (Edmeston/Morris) - Practice (4:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 8, 2025: (B) JV Basketball @ Morris (4:00 PM) CANCELLED: (G) JV Basketball (Edmeston/Morris) @ Madison (5:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 8, 2025: (B) V Basketball @ Morris (5:30 PM)