Boys (UV/GMU) Varsity Soccer @ Otselic Valley

General information

Date Oct 8, 2019
Start time 6:30 PM
End time 8:30 PM
Location Soccer Field
Sport Soccer (Boys)

Transportation information
of Gilbertsville-Mount Upton

Bus company/driver
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time
Return Date
Return time
Notes Game Location is at Morrisville-Eaton High School

Soccer Field


Game Location is at Morrisville-Eaton High School. (See Directions Below) From GMU you go through Norwich, then Sherburne on 12, in Sherburne take 12b until it turns in to 46 (after Hamilton), then take 46 until 20, take a left on 20. At the light in Morrisville take a right onto Cedar St. This will turn into Swamp St., you are on this for a little over 3 miles. Then turn on Fearon Rd and the school in right there. This is address for the school: 5061 Fearon Rd, Morrisville, NY 13408