Girls Varsity Cross Country Notre Dame, Elmira, Lansing, Waverly @ Watkins Glen

General information

Date Sep 7, 2021
Start time 5:00 PM
End time 7:00 PM
Location W G Soccer Field
Sport Cross Country (Girls)

Transportation information
of Groton

Bus company/driver
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time 3:00 PM
Return Date
Return time

W G Soccer Field


The WG Home XC meet will be held at the high school this year. It will not be held at the State Park as in previous years. Busses can park in either the ES or HS parking lots. Athletes will walk to the grass soccer field behind the turf field. The start/finish line will be located at the center line of the soccer field and the Modified and Varsity will run on a very flat and fast course down the CVT (Catherine Valley Trail) and back. There will be a turn around marker on the trail at .75 for Modified and at 1.55 for Varsity. Teams should not arrive any sooner than 4:00 PM. We will run the Modified Race at 5:00 PM for both Boys and Girls at the same time. We will run the Girls Varsity race at about 5:20 PM and Boys Varsity at about 5:50 PM. Bathrooms will be available near the start finish line. Students are asked to bring their mask to wear when they cannot socially distance. The start will be run much like it was for the spring. Once runners can separate once the race is underway, they may pull their masks down or off during the race. Visitors are asked to go into the stands to watch the race and not interact with the teams on the soccer field. They should also plan to bring a mask and carry with them in case the rules change about outside spectator masking. At this time, there are no limits imposed on spectators attending. There may be a check in to give a name and phone number in case of contract tracing requirements, but as of today 9/1/21 there is no such requirement.