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Baseball (Boys)
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Bowling (Boys)
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Football (Boys)
Golf (Boys)
Lacrosse (Boys)
Outdoor Track (Boys)
Soccer (Boys)
Swimming/Diving (Boys)
Tennis (Boys)
Winter Track (Boys)
Wrestling (Boys)
Basketball (Girls)
Bowling (Girls)
Cheerleading (Girls)
Cross Country (Girls)
Flag Football (Girls)
Golf (Girls)
Lacrosse (Girls)
Outdoor Track (Girls)
Soccer (Girls)
Softball (Girls)
Swimming/Diving (Girls)
Tennis (Girls)
Volleyball (Girls)
Winter Track (Girls)
Wrestling (Girls)
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Select level(s)
Junior Varsity
December 2021
Nov 28, 2021
Gym resurfacing @ JC HS Large Gym (12:00 AM)
Nov 29, 2021
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Bowling v. Binghamton (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
(B) V Bowling v. Binghamton (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
(B) V Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball @ Susquehanna Valley (6:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball @ Susquehanna Valley (6:00 PM)
Softball Open Gym @ JC HS Large Gym (7:00 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
Nov 30, 2021
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (5:00 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Jan 20, 2022: (B) V Swimming/Diving @ Elmira (6:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Norwich (5:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ Norwich (5:30 PM)
Girls Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (6:00 PM)
Boys Lacrosse @ JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
Dec 1, 2021
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Bowling @ Horseheads (3:40 PM)
(G) V Bowling @ Horseheads (3:40 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:15 PM)
Softball - Strength @ JC HS Weight Room (5:00 PM)
Boys Lacrosse @ JC MS Gym (5:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling v. Binghamton (6:30 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling v. Binghamton (6:30 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
Dec 2, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (3:30 PM) Oxford: Oxford High School Gym
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball Whitney Point @ (G) JV Basketball Chenango Valley (5:30 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
(B) V Basketball v. Delaware Academy (5:30 PM)
Girls Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (6:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Dryden (7:15 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ JC MS Gym (7:30 PM)
Dec 3, 2021
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (8:00 AM) Oxford: Oxford High School Gym
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling @ TBD (5:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (5:00 PM) Oxford: Oxford High School Gym
(G) V Basketball Whitney Point @ (G) V Basketball Chenango Valley (5:30 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. Dryden (7:15 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
Dec 4, 2021
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (8:00 AM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (8:00 AM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball Whitney Point @ (G) JV Basketball Dryden (9:00 AM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
(B) JV Wrestling @ TBD (9:30 AM)
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (9:30 AM) Oxford: Oxford High School Gym
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (10:00 AM)
(G) V Basketball Dryden @ (G) V Basketball Whitney Point (10:45 AM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
(G) JV Basketball v. Chenango Valley (12:30 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
(G) V Basketball v. Chenango Valley (2:15 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Girls Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
(B) JV Basketball @ Union-Endicott (5:00 PM) Owego Apalachin: OFA Gymnasium
Dec 5, 2021
(B) JV Basketball @ Tioga (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track @ TBD (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track @ TBD (3:00 PM)
Dec 6, 2021
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Bowling v. Maine-Endwell (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
(G) V Bowling v. Maine-Endwell (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
Softball Open Gym @ JC HS Large Gym (7:00 PM)
Dec 7, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (5:00 PM)
Girls Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball v. Elmira (6:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball v. Elmira (7:45 PM)
Dec 8, 2021
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Bowling v. Elmira (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
(B) V Bowling v. Elmira (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
(G) V Bowling v. Elmira (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
(B) JV Bowling v. Elmira (3:40 PM) Johnson City: Laurel Bowl
Softball - Strength @ JC HS Weight Room (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball @ Elmira (5:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling v. Ithaca (6:30 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling v. Ithaca (6:30 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball @ Elmira (7:15 PM)
Dec 9, 2021
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving v. Susquehanna Valley (5:30 PM)
Girls Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (6:00 PM)
Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ JC MS Gym (6:00 PM)
Dec 10, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball v. Athens (3:30 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
(B) JV Basketball Newfield @ (B) JV Basketball Norwich (5:15 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
RESCHEDULED TO Dec 22, 2021: (B) JV Basketball @ Corning-Painted Post (6:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) v. Windsor (Gold) (5:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) @ Windsor (Black) (5:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) v. Maine-Endwell (Gold) (6:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball Norwich @ (B) V Basketball Newfield (7:00 PM) " Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (7:00 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Dec 22, 2021: (B) V Basketball @ Corning-Painted Post (7:45 PM)
(B) V Basketball v. Athens (8:45 PM) " Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
Dec 11, 2021
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (8:00 AM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (8:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball v. Norwich (9:00 AM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball Norwich @ (B) V Basketball Athens (10:45 AM) " Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (11:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball Newfield @ (B) JV Basketball Athens (12:30 PM) "Mark Woitach STOP-DWI JV Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament" Johnson City: JC HS Large Gym
(B) V Basketball v. Newfield (2:15 PM) " Mark Woitach STOP-DWI Varsity Boys Basketball Tip-Off Tournament"
Dec 12, 2021
Dec 13, 2021
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Bowling @ Corning-Painted Post (3:40 PM) Corning-Painted Post: Crystal Lanes Bowling Alley
(B) V Bowling @ Corning-Painted Post (3:40 PM) Corning-Painted Post: Crystal Lanes Bowling Alley
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Corning-Painted Post (6:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling Norwich, Oneonta, Vestal, Ithaca, Maine-Endwell @ Chenango Valley (6:00 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling @ Horseheads (6:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) @ Vestal (Gold) (6:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling @ Horseheads (6:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) v. Vestal (Gold) (6:30 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. Corning-Painted Post (7:45 PM)
Dec 14, 2021
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
Girls Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ Corning-Painted Post (6:00 PM)
Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
Softball Open Gym @ JC HS Large Gym (7:00 PM)
Dec 15, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (5:00 PM)
Softball - Strength @ JC HS Weight Room (5:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) @ Maine-Endwell (Gold) (6:30 PM)
Boys Lacrosse @ JC HS Large Gym (7:00 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
Dec 16, 2021
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Bowling v. Union-Endicott (3:40 PM)
(B) V Bowling v. Union-Endicott (3:40 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:15 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) v. Union-Endicott (Black) (5:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) @ Union-Endicott (Black) (5:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving v. Horseheads, Union-Endicott (5:30 PM)
Girls Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) v. Chenango Forks (Blue) (6:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) @ Chenango Forks (Blue) (6:30 PM)
Dec 17, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Maine-Endwell (5:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving v. Vestal (6:00 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ Maine-Endwell (7:15 PM)
Dec 18, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (8:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (8:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) 7/8TH Wrestling v. Elmira, Corning-Painted Post, Oneonta, Chenango Forks, Union-Endicott (9:00 AM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (11:00 AM)
(G) V Winter Track @ TBD (2:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track @ TBD (2:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Maine-Endwell (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. Maine-Endwell (4:45 PM)
Dec 19, 2021
Dec 20, 2021
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Bowling @ Vestal (3:40 PM)
(G) V Bowling @ Vestal (3:40 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) @ Maine-Endwell (Blue) (5:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) v. Maine-Endwell (Blue) (5:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) v. Norwich (Purple) (6:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) @ Norwich (Purple) (6:30 PM)
Softball Open Gym @ JC HS Large Gym (7:00 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (7:00 PM)
Dec 21, 2021
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Christian Brothers Academy, Dewitt (5:30 PM)
Girls Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym (6:00 PM)
POSTPONED: (B) JV Wrestling @ Vestal (6:30 PM)
Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. Christian Brothers Academy, Dewitt (7:15 PM)
Dec 22, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Bowling - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (White) - Practice (3:30 PM)
Softball - Strength @ JC HS Weight Room (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Basketball (White) v. Owego Apalachin (Blue) (5:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Corning-Painted Post (6:00 PM)
Boys Youth Basketball @ JC ES Gym, JC MS Gym (7:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ Corning-Painted Post (7:45 PM)
Dec 23, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
Dec 24, 2021
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
Dec 25, 2021
Dec 26, 2021
Dec 27, 2021
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) 7/8TH Cheerleading (Fall) - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (10:00 AM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (12:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (4:15 PM)
Dec 28, 2021
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Wrestling @ TBD (9:00 AM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Winter Track - Practice (10:00 AM)
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (10:00 AM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (12:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ North Penn-Mansfield HS (12:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Chenango Forks (1:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ North Penn-Mansfield HS (1:45 PM)
(B) V Bowling v. Susquehanna Valley (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Bowling v. TBD (3:00 PM)
(G) V Bowling v. Susquehanna Valley (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (4:15 PM)
Dec 29, 2021
(G) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(G) JV Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (12:00 PM)
(B) V Winter Track @ TBD (2:00 PM)
(G) V Winter Track @ TBD (2:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (4:15 PM)
Dec 30, 2021
(B) 7/8TH Basketball (Maroon) - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Wrestling - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball @ Oneonta (1:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball @ Oneonta (2:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (4:15 PM)
Dec 31, 2021
Jan 1, 2022