Date |
Apr 22, 2023 |
Start time |
11:30 AM |
End time |
Location |
Marathon H S |
Teams: |
Sport |
Softball (Girls) |
Bus company/driver |
Class dismissal time |
Departure point |
Departure date |
Departure time |
Return Date |
Return time |
Notes |
Schedule of Events:
8:30am Welcome Marathon–Team 1, will do a blind draw for 2, 3, & 4
9:00am Round 1 Varsity Field: Marathon vs Team 2 Modified Field: Team 3 vs Team 4; home team based on coin flip
30 minute intermission
11:30am Round 2 Championship game, home team based on coin flip Consolation game, home team based on coin flip
1:45 Presentation of Awards — metal bucket with spring sweet treat presented to the winning team….Bucket is to go with the team and then returned the following year filled with a new prize for the next tournament winners. Tournament MVP pint of syrup.
2:00 Tailgate to follow to allow for socializing and camaraderie between teams: families within all programs are welcome to bring a dish to pass and beverages for all to share.
**Marathon will provide tables, some chairs, paper products and trash cans/bags.**