Girls Varsity Basketball v. Watkins Glen

General information

Date Feb 12, 2021
Start time 5:30 PM
End time
Location Newark Valley High School
Sport Basketball (Girls)

Transportation information
of Newark Valley

Bus company/driver
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time
Return Date
Return time

Newark Valley High School


Newark Valley Athletics Protocol for Visiting Teams Arrival High School: • Bus will pull up to the front of high school, in the bus lane • Coach will contact the athletic director or the athletic trainer upon arrival to be let in the building via the double doors (via text message or phone call) o Scott Wandell, Athletic Director: (607) 644-4788 o Kate Baginski, Athletic Trainer: (412) 716-7520 • Please have IAC Contest Sign-in Sheet ready, athletic trainer or other available staff member will check temperatures and check off each athlete, coach, and other personnel that are entering the building with your team • Team will be escorted to locker room if needed (students must be supervised if using the locker room) • One Bookkeeper would be allowed to travel with team (Please make sure the name is on the IAC Contest Sign In Sheet) Varsity Contests (High School): • Chairs will be set-up for social distancing for your bench • The team not currently playing will be sitting on the opposing set of bleachers on marked sports that are social distanced (6ft or greater) o If the number of people in the gymnasium becomes greater than 50 people, they will be moved to an alternative location with the game streamed • Teams are responsible for bringing their own water bottles, a water cooler will be provided for refills on the team’s bench o If a player forgets a water bottle, please let athletic trainer know, and we will provide a clean one for the game Injuries during Contest: • Athletic Trainer will be onsite for all Varsity/JV contests • To minimize spread, if coaches are able to get a player that is injured to the bench, please do so o If not, please alert athletic trainer for assistance • Injury ice will also be provided on the sideline, athletes may help themselves