Date |
May 19, 2021 |
Start time |
3:00 PM |
End time |
Location |
W G Baseball Field |
Teams: |
Sport |
Baseball (Boys) |
Bus company/driver |
Class dismissal time |
Departure point |
Departure date |
Departure time |
Return Date |
Return time |
Notes |
WG Spring Sports Protocols 2021
We do no plan to live stream spring sporting events.
1. Spectators must wear a mask on school grounds.
2. Bringing your own chair is encouraged.
3. Please social distance if using school bleachers.
4. Home and Away Spectators are welcome.
5. Check in with chaperone who will take your name and phone number in case of a contact tracing need.
6. By giving your name and number to the chaperone, you are also agreeing that you personally do not have a temp of 100 or higher and are able to answer “No” to all the screening questions.