Girls Junior Varsity Basketball @ Marathon
36-56 L

General information

Date Mar 1, 2022
Start time 6:00 PM
End time
Location TBD
Sport Basketball (Girls)

Transportation information
of Odessa-Montour

Bus company/driver
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time 2:00 PM
Return Date
Return time


Admission is $7, $5 for senior citizens. 10 and under are free There will be parking ONLY for the officials and each team’s bus outside of the Clark Field House. Please let your spectators know that ALL other parking will be down at the bottom of the hill at the “lower lot”, there will be signs directing them. Section IV will be providing a shuttle bus from the lot to the Field House beginning at 5:30 and ending at 9:30. Bus will be continuously making trips to and from the lower lot to the Field House.