Date |
May 4, 2021 |
Start time |
5:00 PM |
End time |
7:30 PM |
Location |
Cancro Field |
Teams: |
Sport |
Outdoor Track (Boys) |
Bus company/driver |
Class dismissal time |
Departure point |
Departure date |
Departure time |
Return Date |
Return time |
Notes |
2 spectators/player (home).
2 spectators/senior player (away).
Spectators must complete a COVID screener form prior to admission.
Admission begins 30 minutes prior to the start of the event.
Spectators must remain in bleachers.
Spectators may not stand along the fence line.
Public bathrooms are available at the Feld House.
Spectators should bring their own bottled water.
No concessions or apparel sales at the event.