Date |
Apr 17, 2021 |
Start time |
10:00 AM |
End time |
11:15 AM |
Location |
W G Field House Gym |
Teams: |
Sport |
Volleyball (Girls) |
Bus company/driver |
Class dismissal time |
Departure point |
Departure date |
Departure time |
Return Date |
Return time |
Notes |
Only 2 Home spectators per athlete allowed inside.
All Spectators are always expected wear a mask on school grounds.
All spectators must submit an entry ticket/screening form at the ticket booth. These are collected for contact screening.
This entry ticket/screening form can be downloaded here or by going to our athletic site:
There will be forms on site but doing this ahead of time will speed up the process of entry.
The spectator bleachers are small, so we would encourage away parents to bring their own folding lawn chairs to sit on the west side of the field behind the fence.
Two family members may sit together, but please follow social distancing guidelines by separating at least 6 feet apart.
We will live stream the game as well using live stream one form our school’s athletic site: