Boys 7th/8th Basketball @ Marathon

General information

Date Nov 5, 2021
Start time 4:30 PM
End time
Location Appleby E S
Sport Basketball (Boys)

Transportation information
of Trumansburg

Bus company/driver Trumansburg
Class dismissal time
Departure point Middle School
Departure date
Departure time 3:00 PM
Return Date
Return time
Notes The 8th grade team will play first at 4:30 p.m.

Appleby E S


Marathon's Elementary School gym has two small bleachers on a stage. They are asking that we limit the number of people in the gym at the same time. As a result, they are asking that each student-athlete has only 2 guests attend. Marathon is also asking for parents arrive to only watch your son’s game and not remain in the gym for the other game. The 8th grade team will play first at 4:30 p.m.