Girls Varsity Soccer @ Lansing
0-3 L

General information

Date Oct 23, 2021
Start time 3:30 PM
End time
Location Lansing Varsity Field (Sobus)
Sport Soccer (Girls)

Transportation information
of Trumansburg

Bus company/driver Trumansburg
Class dismissal time
Departure point High School
Departure date
Departure time 1:45 PM
Return Date
Return time
Notes Please check the Lansing Covid guidelines for spectators.

Lansing Varsity Field (Sobus)


● Face coverings, over nose and mouth, must be worn ALL TIMES regardless of vaccination status. ● Mask breaks appropriate when able to socially distance by 6 feet or more. ● Masks must be worn in hallways and other common areas (pool deck, locker rooms, benches/team areas, restrooms) ● Attendance for all individuals. This includes all student-athletes, coaches, volunteers, event staff and officials. All protocols