Girls Varsity Volleyball v. Chenango Valley
3-0 W

General information

Date Nov 2, 2021
Start time 6:30 PM
End time
Location HS Gym
Sport Volleyball (Girls)

Transportation information
of Trumansburg

Bus company/driver
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time
Return Date
Return time

HS Gym


Covid Guidelines ●Face coverings, over mouth and nose, must be worn at ALL TIMES regardless of vaccination status and social distancing guidelines are expected to be followed. ●At this time, we are limiting spectators to half the seating capacity of our gym. ●Guests will be asked to sign-in with the event chaperone for contact tracing purposes. ●Masks must be worn in hallways and other common areas(locker rooms, benches/team areas, restrooms). ●We ask that you please not arrive with more than 20 minutes prior to the events start time. ●No food or drinks will be permitted in the gym. All spectators must remain socially distant in our concession area to consume food or drinks. ●Upon event conclusion, we ask that you exit the facilities in a timely manner and not congregate with the Student-Athletes.