Girls Varsity Volleyball Oneonta, Chenango Forks @ Lansing

General information

Date Nov 4, 2021
Start time 4:30 PM
End time 9:45 PM
Location Lansing HS
Sport Volleyball (Girls)

Transportation information
of Trumansburg

Bus company/driver Trumansburg Central School
Class dismissal time
Departure point High School
Departure date
Departure time 3:00 PM
Return Date
Return time
Notes All teams will be assigned a space to keep their belongings and to rest during breaks. Coaches are required to stay with their teams at all time. We will also have designated sections in our Café so that teams do not need to eat in a Locker room, however, the café is for eating only and we ask that when you are not eating that you return to your designated areas. We also ask that food be limited to individual meals as opposed to “family style” and that teams please clean up after themselves

Lansing HS


Admissions: $6 for Students/Adults $4 Senior Citizens Children 10 & under FREE (Tickets will need to be kept for re-entry)