Boys Varsity Clay Trap Shooting v. TBD

General information

Date Jun 11, 2023
Start time 9:00 AM
End time
Location Bridgeport Rod and Gun Club
Sport Clay Trap Shooting (Boys)

Transportation information
of Watkins Glen

Bus company/driver
Class dismissal time
Departure point
Departure date
Departure time
Return Date
Return time

Bridgeport Rod and Gun Club


June 10th - Class 1A June 11th- Class 1B 8:00 a.m. – Coach Check-In & Practice All coaches much check-in at the tournament registration table located inside the tent. You will receive important information and all State Tournament t-shirts for your student athletes on your team. Student athletes do not have to check-in and can report to their assigned field. 8:45 a.m. – Opening Ceremony Important announcements are followed by the singing of the National Anthem and raising of the flags. 9:00 a.m. – Competition Begins - WGOM will be shooting on Bank #6 And in the First Flight Per assigned fields and starting times. 3:00 p.m. (approximate) – Award Ceremony State Tournament and Conference awards are announced and distributed promptly after competition is complete.