Boys Varsity Winter Track v. TBD

General information

Date Jan 28, 2023
Start time 1:00 AM
End time
Location Cornell University - Barton Hall
Sport Winter Track (Boys)

Transportation information
of Watkins Glen

Bus company/driver Watkins Glen Central School District
Class dismissal time
Departure point Field House- Bus
Departure date
Departure time 11:15 AM
Return Date
Return time 7:30 PM

Cornell University - Barton Hall


Order of Events 3000M-(G) 3200M-(B) 55M (Sem)-(G) 55M (Sem)-(B) 1000M-(G) 1000M-(B) 1500M Race Walk-(G) 55M (Fin)-(G) 55M (Fin)-(B) 600M-(G) 600M-(B) 55m Hurdles (Sem)-(G) 55m Hurdles (Sem)-(B) 1500M-(G) 1600M-(B) 55m Hurdles (Fin)-(B) 55m Hurdles (Fin)-(G) 300M-(G) 300M-(B) 3200M Relay-(G) 3200M Relay-(B) 800M Relay-(G) 800M Relay-(B) 1600M Relay-(G) 1600M Relay-(B) (G) Triple then (G) Long (B) Long then (B) Triple (B) High then (G) High (G) Shot then (B) Shot (G) Weight then (B) Weight (B) Pole then (G) Pole