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Junior Varsity
Modified 9
Modified 7/8/9
May 2022
May 1, 2022
May 2, 2022
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ East Syracuse Minoa (Orange) (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) v. West Genesee (WG Blue) (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 10, 2022: (B) V Tennis @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
May 3, 2022
(G) V Golf (Green) v. West Genesee (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) @ Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Softball v. Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Baseball @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(G) V Softball v. Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse @ Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Lacrosse v. Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse v. Fayetteville-Manlius (7:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse @ Fayetteville-Manlius (7:00 PM)
May 4, 2022
(B) V Outdoor Track @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
POSTPONED: (B) 7/8TH Baseball v. Liverpool (Orange) (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) v. Skaneateles (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 7, 2022: (B) V Tennis v. East Syracuse Minoa (2:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 23, 2022: (B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) @ Rome Free Academy (5:00 PM)
May 5, 2022
(G) V Golf (Green) @ Fayetteville-Manlius (Green) (3:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 19, 2022: POSTPONED: (B) JV Baseball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) v. West Genesee (Unified B & G) (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Lacrosse @ Liverpool (5:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse @ Liverpool (7:00 PM)
May 6, 2022
(G) V Golf (Blue) v. West Genesee (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (White) v. Liverpool (BLUE) (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Baseball @ Syracuse City (East) (4:30 PM)
(B) V Tennis @ Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball @ Syracuse City (Syracuse City) (4:30 PM)
(G) V Softball @ West Genesee (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) @ Baldwinsville (WHITE) (5:00 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) @ West Genesee (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse v. Liverpool (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Softball @ West Genesee (5:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track Corcoran @ Baldwinsville (5:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track Corcoran @ Baldwinsville (5:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse v. Liverpool (7:00 PM)
May 7, 2022
(B) JV Baseball v. West Genesee (10:00 AM)
(G) JV Softball @ Webster Schroeder (12:00 PM)
(B) V Tennis v. East Syracuse Minoa (2:00 PM)
(G) V Softball @ Webster Schroeder (2:00 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. West Genesee (2:00 PM)
(G) JV Lacrosse v. Irondequoit (2:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse v. Irondequoit (4:00 PM)
May 8, 2022
May 9, 2022
(G) V Golf (Blue) v. (G) V Golf (Green) @ Cicero-North Syracuse (3:30 PM)
(B) V Tennis v. Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) v. Nottingham (Nottingham) (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) @ Baldwinsville (WHITE) (4:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) v. Nottingham (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ Nottingham (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ Liverpool (Orange) (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ Nottingham (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse v. Westhill (6:00 PM)
May 10, 2022
(G) V Golf (Green) v. Fayetteville-Manlius (Green) (3:30 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) @ Baldwinsville (RED) (4:30 PM)
(B) V Tennis @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse @ Rome Free Academy (5:00 PM)
CANCELLED: (G) JV Lacrosse v. Westhill (5:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse v. Westhill (7:00 PM)
May 11, 2022
(G) V Golf (Green) @ Fayetteville-Manlius (White) (3:30 PM)
(G) V Golf (Blue) @ Liverpool (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) @ Baldwinsville (RED) (4:00 PM)
(B) V Tennis @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball v. West Genesee (WG Blue) (4:30 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Liverpool, Henninger (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (White) v. Liverpool (orange) (4:30 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Liverpool, Henninger (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. Auburn (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Auburn (5:00 PM)
May 12, 2022
(G) V Golf (Green) @ Liverpool (3:30 PM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(G) V Softball v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) @ West Genesee (Unified B & G) (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Softball v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) V Tennis @ Auburn (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) v. Liverpool (BLUE) (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Lacrosse v. West Genesee (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse @ West Genesee (5:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ Fayetteville-Manlius (White) (5:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse @ West Genesee (7:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse v. West Genesee (7:00 PM)
May 13, 2022
(G) V Golf (Blue) v. Fayetteville-Manlius (Green) (3:30 PM)
CNS baseball Hitting Derby @ Gillette Field 4 (4:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track @ TBD (4:30 PM) Baldwinsville: Bville - Baker P/A Stadium TRACK
(G) V Outdoor Track @ TBD (4:30 PM) Baldwinsville: Bville - Baker P/A Stadium TRACK
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) @ Skaneateles (4:30 PM)
(B) V Tennis v. Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
May 14, 2022
CANCELLED: (B) JV Lacrosse v. TBD (10:00 AM)
(G) JV Softball v. Victor (10:15 AM) Cicero-North Syracuse: Mudville Softball Complex
(G) V Softball v. Deposit (Deposit-Hancock) (10:15 AM) Cicero-North Syracuse: Mudville Softball Complex
(B) V Baseball @ Liverpool (11:00 AM)
(B) JV Baseball @ Liverpool (11:00 AM)
(B) V Lacrosse v. East Syracuse Minoa (12:00 PM)
(G) JV Softball v. Shenendehowa High School (12:15 PM) Cicero-North Syracuse: Mudville Softball Complex
(G) V Softball v. Ichabod Crane (12:15 PM) Cicero-North Syracuse: Mudville Softball Complex
May 15, 2022
(G) V Softball v. Fontbonne Hall Academy (9:15 AM) Cicero-North Syracuse: Mudville Softball Complex
(G) V Softball v. Victor (11:15 AM) Cicero-North Syracuse: Mudville Softball Complex
May 16, 2022
RESCHEDULED TO May 20, 2022: (G) V Golf (Green) v. Liverpool (3:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 24, 2022: (G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) v. Liverpool (orange) (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 23, 2022: (B) 7/8TH Baseball v. West Genesee (WG Blue) (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 18, 2022: (B) JV Baseball v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 31, 2022: (B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) v. Liverpool (Blue) (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Lacrosse v. Liverpool (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse @ Liverpool (5:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) @ Liverpool (5:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse v. Liverpool (7:00 PM)
May 17, 2022
(G) V Golf (Blue) @ Baldwinsville (RED) (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) @ Baldwinsville (Boys and Girls Unified) (4:00 PM)
(B) JV Baseball @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Outdoor Track v. Henninger, Living Word Academy (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Outdoor Track v. Henninger (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8) v. Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) @ Baldwinsville (RED) (5:00 PM)
May 18, 2022
(G) V Golf (Green) @ West Genesee (3:30 PM)
(G) V Golf (Blue) v. Baldwinsville (RED) (3:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) v. Fayetteville-Manlius (Green-EH) (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO May 31, 2022: (B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) v. Liverpool (Blue) (6:00 PM)
(G) V Softball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Jun 7, 2022: POSTPONED: (G) 7/8TH Softball (White) v. West Genesee (WG Blue) (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Softball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. Baldwinsville (6:00 PM)
(G) JV Lacrosse v. Victor (6:30 PM)
May 19, 2022
CNY Special Olympics @ CNS HS-Bragman Stadium (6:00 AM)
(G) V Golf (Blue) @ West Genesee (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) @ East Syracuse Minoa (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track Baldwinsville, Fayetteville-Manlius, West Genesee, Henninger, Nottingham, Corcoran @ Liverpool (4:30 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track Baldwinsville, Fayetteville-Manlius, West Genesee, Henninger, Nottingham, Corcoran @ Liverpool (4:30 PM)
POSTPONED: (B) JV Baseball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
(G) V Softball @ Liverpool (5:30 PM) Cicero-North Syracuse: Carrier Park
(B) V Baseball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (6:00 PM)
POSTPONED: (B) JV Baseball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (6:30 PM)
May 20, 2022
(G) V Golf (Green) v. Liverpool (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Softball @ Liverpool (4:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) v. Fayetteville-Manlius (White-WW) (4:30 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) v. Rome Free Academy (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ West Genesee (WG Blue) (5:00 PM)
May 21, 2022
(B) JV Baseball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (10:00 AM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (12:00 PM)
May 22, 2022
May 23, 2022
(G) 7/8TH Softball (White) @ Liverpool (BLUE) (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Outdoor Track v. Baldwinsville, Corcoran (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball v. West Genesee (WG Blue) (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Outdoor Track v. Baldwinsville, Corcoran (4:30 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) @ Rome Free Academy (5:00 PM)
May 24, 2022
(G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) v. Liverpool (orange) (4:30 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse v. TBD (5:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse v. Liverpool (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (White) @ West Genesee (WG Gold) (5:00 PM)
Boys Lacrosse Sectional Semi Finals (2 games) @ CNS HS-Bragman Stadium (5:00 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) @ Fayetteville-Manlius (Green) (5:00 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. Rome Free Academy (5:00 PM)
May 25, 2022
(B) V Outdoor Track West Genesee, Fayetteville-Manlius, Liverpool, Henninger, Nottingham, Corcoran @ Baldwinsville (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track West Genesee, Fayetteville-Manlius, Liverpool, Henninger, Nottingham, Corcoran @ Baldwinsville (4:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball (Unified BLUE Basketball) v. Fayetteville-Manlius (4:00 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) v. West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) @ West Genesee (WG Gold) (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ Baldwinsville (5:00 PM)
May 26, 2022
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) @ West Genesee (WG Blue) (5:00 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (7:00 PM) Cicero-North Syracuse: OCC- Baseball Field
(G) V Lacrosse v. Liverpool (7:00 PM) East Syracuse Minoa: ESM High School - Stadium
May 27, 2022
(B) V Lacrosse v. TBD (5:00 PM)
Boys Lacrosse Sectional Finals (2 games) @ CNS HS-Bragman Stadium (5:00 PM)
May 28, 2022
(G) V Softball @ Baldwinsville (6:30 PM) Cicero-North Syracuse: OCC- Softball Field
May 29, 2022
May 30, 2022
May 31, 2022
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) v. Liverpool (Blue) (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (White) v. (G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) @ Cicero-North Syracuse (4:30 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) v. Liverpool (Blue) (6:00 PM)
Jun 1, 2022
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Phoenix (4:00 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Jun 2, 2022: (G) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Jun 2, 2022: (B) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
POSTPONED: (B) 7/8TH Baseball v. East Syracuse Minoa (Blue) (4:30 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) @ Baldwinsville (5:00 PM)
NYSPHSAA Out bracket Lacrosse game (2 games) @ CNS HS-Bragman Stadium (5:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse v. TBD (5:00 PM)
Jun 2, 2022
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Central Valley Academy (3:30 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Central Valley Academy (3:30 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Beaver River (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Whitesboro (4:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Cooperstown (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. TBD (4:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Tully (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Tully (4:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. TBD (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Cooperstown (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Altmar-Parish-Williamstown (APW Rebels) (4:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Waterville (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Beaver River (4:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Altmar-Parish-Williamstown (APW Rebels) (4:00 PM)
(G) V Outdoor Track v. Auburn (4:00 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Whitesboro (4:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse (CNS 7/8 Blue) v. Baldwinsville (WHITE) (4:30 PM)
(B) MOD9 Baseball (Mod 9) @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(B) V Outdoor Track v. Auburn (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Outdoor Track @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (White) v. Baldwinsville (WHITE) (4:30 PM)
Jun 3, 2022
(B) 7/8TH Baseball v. West Genesee (WG Gold) (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Softball (Blue) @ West Genesee (WG Blue) (5:00 PM)
Jun 4, 2022
NYSPHSAA Boys Lacrosse Regionals (2 Games) @ CNS HS-Bragman Stadium (12:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse v. TBD (12:00 PM)