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Feb 5, 2024 Month Week

Microscope Repair @ GBHS GB Room (8:00 AM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) EAP Meetings @ GBHS Library (2:35 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) BOE Meeting @ Dexter Library (5:30 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) Class of 2026 Meeting with students & parents @ GBHS Auditorium (5:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)