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January 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Dec 31, 2023
Open Gym Boys Lacrosse @ GBHS Main Gym (8:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Weight Room, GBHS Fisher Field, GBHS Auxiliary Gym (9:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Main Gym (10:00 AM) Intramural Boy's 7th and 8th grade Basketball @ GBHS Main Gym (12:00 PM)
Jan 1, 2024
Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM)
Jan 2, 2024
Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) Girl Scout Troop Meetings @ B-GP Elem Cafe (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (7:00 PM)
Jan 3, 2024
Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball @ Watertown (5:30 PM) Performing Arts Booster Club Meetings @ GBHS GB Room (6:30 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Watertown (7:00 PM)
Jan 4, 2024
Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball @ South Lewis (5:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling @ Carthage (6:00 PM) (B) JV Wrestling @ Carthage (6:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ South Lewis (6:30 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM)
Jan 5, 2024
Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) Dance Company Rehearsals @ GBHS Cafeteria (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball v. Indian River (4:30 PM) Boys Youth Basketball 3/4 @ B-GP Elem Gym (4:30 PM) (G) V Basketball v. Cortland (6:00 PM) (B) V Basketball v. Indian River (7:30 PM)
Jan 6, 2024
(G) V Volleyball v. Camden (11:00 AM) (G) JV Volleyball v. Camden (12:30 PM) Boys Youth Basketball @ GBHS Main Gym (2:30 PM)
Jan 7, 2024
Open Gym Boys Lacrosse @ GBHS Main Gym (8:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Weight Room, GBHS Fisher Field, GBHS Auxiliary Gym (9:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Main Gym (10:00 AM) Baseball Open Gym @ GBHS Auxiliary Gym (10:30 AM) Intramural Boys 7/8 Basketball @ GBHS Main Gym (12:00 PM)
Jan 8, 2024
Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) EAP Meetings @ GBHS Library (2:35 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) BOE Meeting @ GBHS Library (5:30 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball @ Pulaski (5:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ Pulaski (7:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (7:00 PM)
Jan 9, 2024
Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) POSTPONED: (B) JV Basketball v. South Jefferson (5:30 PM) Girl Scout Troop Meetings @ B-GP Elem Cafe (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM)
Jan 10, 2024
CSE Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (8:00 AM) Career Connections @ GBHS Distance Learning (10:00 AM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) Concession Stand- Class of 2027 @ GBHS Concession Stand (5:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) Boys Youth Basketball @ Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) POSTPONED: (G) JV Volleyball v. Sandy Creek (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM) Boys Youth Basketball 3/4 @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) POSTPONED: (G) V Volleyball v. Sandy Creek (7:00 PM)
Jan 11, 2024
Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) MTSS District Leadership Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (8:30 AM) Youth Alliance Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (2:30 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) Concession Stand- Class of 2027 @ GBHS Concession Stand (5:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball v. Lowville (5:30 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball @ Lowville (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (G) V Basketball @ Lowville (7:15 PM) (B) V Basketball v. Lowville (7:15 PM)
Jan 12, 2024
Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) Dance Company Rehearsals @ GBHS Cafeteria (3:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling v. Watertown (6:00 PM) Boys Youth Basketball 3/4 @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM)
Jan 13, 2024
(B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (10:00 AM) (G) V Volleyball v. Thousand Islands (10:00 AM) (G) JV Basketball @ Immaculate Heart Central, Watertown (11:00 AM) (G) JV Volleyball v. Thousand Islands (11:30 AM) (G) V Basketball @ Immaculate Heart Central, Watertown (12:30 PM) Boys Youth Basketball @ GBHS Main Gym (2:30 PM)
Jan 14, 2024
Open Gym Boys Lacrosse @ GBHS Main Gym (8:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Weight Room, GBHS Fisher Field, GBHS Auxiliary Gym (9:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Main Gym (10:00 AM) Baseball Open Gym @ GBHS Auxiliary Gym (10:30 AM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (12:00 PM) Practice for travel volleyball @ GBHS Main Gym (5:30 PM)
Jan 15, 2024
(G) JV Volleyball - Practice (10:00 AM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (10:00 AM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (10:00 AM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (11:30 AM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (1:30 PM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM)
Jan 16, 2024
Girls Lacrosse Practice @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM) Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball v. Carthage (5:30 PM) PTO Meetings @ Dexter Library (6:00 PM) Girl Scout Troop Meetings @ B-GP Elem Cafe (6:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball v. Carthage (7:15 PM)
Jan 17, 2024
PPS Meetings @ GBHS GB Room (1:00 PM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) Baldwinsville @ Camden (4:45 PM) Concession Stand- Class of 2027 @ GBHS Concession Stand (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) Boys Youth Basketball @ Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (6:00 PM) Boys Youth Basketball 3/4 @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM)
Jan 18, 2024
Girls Lacrosse Practice @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM) Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) International Club Meeting @ GBHS Auditorium (2:30 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (4:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 14, 2024: (B) 7TH Basketball @ Indian River (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) POSTPONED: (G) JV Volleyball v. Sandy Creek (5:30 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (6:00 PM) POSTPONED: (B) V Wrestling v. South Jefferson (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) POSTPONED: (G) V Volleyball v. Sandy Creek (7:00 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Jan 26, 2024: (G) V Basketball @ South Jefferson (7:15 PM)
Jan 19, 2024
Athletic Meeting @ GBHS Main Study Hall (2:30 PM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) Dance Company Rehearsals @ GBHS Cafeteria (3:00 PM) Parents advisors Class of 2025 @ GBHS GB Room (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball @ Watertown (5:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball @ Beaver River (6:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ Watertown (7:00 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Beaver River (7:30 PM)
Jan 20, 2024
(B) V Wrestling v. Carthage, South Jefferson, Watertown, Indian River, Copenhagen, Lowville, South Lewis, Beaver River (8:00 AM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (8:00 AM) CANCELLED: (G) JV Basketball v. Lyme (10:00 AM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (10:00 AM) (B) JV Basketball @ Hammond (11:00 AM) CANCELLED: (B) JV Basketball v. Lyme (11:30 AM)
Jan 21, 2024
Open Gym Boys Lacrosse @ GBHS Main Gym (8:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Weight Room, GBHS Fisher Field, GBHS Auxiliary Gym (9:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Main Gym (10:00 AM) Baseball Open Gym @ GBHS Auxiliary Gym (10:30 AM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (12:00 PM) Practice for travel volleyball @ GBHS Main Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:30 PM)
Jan 22, 2024
CHJC & Admin & PPS MTG @ GBHS GB Room (11:15 AM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) EAP Meetings @ GBHS Library (2:35 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball v. Carthage (5:30 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball @ Lowville (6:00 PM) (G) V Basketball v. Carthage (7:15 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ Lowville (7:30 PM)
Jan 23, 2024
Girls Lacrosse Practice @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM) Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) Regents Testing @ GBHS GB Room (7:50 AM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) LEGO @ B-GP Elem (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball v. South Jefferson (5:00 PM) Concession Stand- Class of 2027 @ GBHS Concession Stand (5:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball v. Carthage (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball v. Immaculate Heart Central, Watertown (5:30 PM) Girl Scout Troop Meetings @ B-GP Elem Cafe (6:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball v. South Jefferson (6:15 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling @ South Lewis (6:30 PM) (G) V Basketball v. Immaculate Heart Central, Watertown (7:00 PM) (B) V Basketball v. Carthage (7:15 PM)
Jan 24, 2024
Regents Testing @ GBHS GB Room (7:50 AM) Rehearsal for National Junior Honor Society Inductions @ GBHS Auditorium (1:45 PM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) LEGO @ B-GP Elem (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) National Junior Honor Society Inductions @ GBHS Auditorium (5:00 PM) Boys Youth Basketball @ Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) Boys Youth Basketball 3/4 @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM)
Jan 25, 2024
Girls Lacrosse Practice @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM) Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) Regents Testing @ GBHS GB Room (7:50 AM) District Spelling Bee @ GBHS Auditorium (12:00 PM) Key Club Meetings @ GBHS Auditorium (2:30 PM) Youth Alliance Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (2:30 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) - Practice (5:00 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball @ South Jefferson (5:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling v. Lowville (6:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ South Jefferson (7:00 PM)
Jan 26, 2024
(B) V Basketball - Practice (7:00 AM) 7th/8th Grade Breakfast Club @ GBHS GB Room (7:30 AM) POSTPONED: Regents Testing @ GBHS GB Room (8:00 AM) ACCES VR @ GBHS GB Room (8:00 AM) (G) V Wrestling (General Brown) @ TBD (12:45 PM) General Brown: SRC Arena & Events Center Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) Dance Company Rehearsals @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball v. Carthage (4:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball - Practice (4:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball v. South Jefferson (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball @ South Jefferson (5:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball v. Carthage (6:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball @ Lowville (6:00 PM) (B) V Basketball v. South Jefferson (7:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball @ Lowville (7:15 PM) (G) V Basketball @ South Jefferson (7:15 PM)
Jan 27, 2024
(G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (8:00 AM) (G) JV Basketball v. Hammond (9:30 AM) (G) V Basketball v. Hammond (11:00 AM) (B) V Basketball v. Potsdam (12:45 PM) (B) JV Basketball v. Potsdam (2:15 PM) CANCELLED: Boys Youth Basketball @ GBHS Main Gym (3:00 PM)
Jan 28, 2024
Open Gym Boys Lacrosse @ GBHS Main Gym (8:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Weight Room, GBHS Fisher Field, GBHS Auxiliary Gym (9:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Open Gym @ GBHS Main Gym (10:00 AM) Baseball Open Gym @ GBHS Auxiliary Gym (10:30 AM) Practice for travel volleyball @ GBHS Main Gym (5:30 PM)
Jan 29, 2024
(B) V Basketball - Practice (7:00 AM) CSE Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (8:00 AM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball @ Indian River (5:30 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball v. South Lewis (5:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading @ TBD (6:00 PM) Personal Fitness Merit Badge @ B-GP Elem Gym (7:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball v. South Lewis (7:00 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Indian River (7:15 PM)
Jan 30, 2024
Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) Girls Lacrosse Practice @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM) CSE Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (8:00 AM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) JV Volleyball v. Sandy Creek (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball @ Watertown (5:30 PM) Girl Scout Troop Meetings @ B-GP Elem Cafe (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball v. Sandy Creek (7:00 PM) (G) V Basketball @ Watertown (7:15 PM)
Jan 31, 2024
(B) V Basketball - Practice (7:00 AM) District MTSS Leadership Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (8:30 AM) Manifestation Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (1:00 PM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball @ South Jefferson (5:00 PM) Concession Stand- Class of 2027 @ GBHS Concession Stand (5:00 PM) Boys Youth Basketball @ Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball v. Watertown (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball @ South Jefferson (6:15 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ South Jefferson (6:30 PM) Boys Youth Basketball 3/4 @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (B) V Basketball v. Watertown (7:15 PM)
Feb 1, 2024
Girls Lacrosse Practice @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM) Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM) CSE Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (8:00 AM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) Weight Room Lacrosse @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) - Practice (4:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) Mighty Lions PeeWee Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Cafe, Dexter Elem Gym (5:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball v. Indian River (5:30 PM) Baseball Open Gym, Pitchers & Catchers @ GBHS Auxiliary Gym (6:00 PM) Girls Youth Basketball @ B-GP Elem Gym (6:30 PM) (G) V Basketball v. Indian River (7:15 PM)
Feb 2, 2024
(B) V Basketball - Practice (7:00 AM) Football Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM) Dance Company Rehearsals @ GBHS Cafeteria (3:00 PM) Play Rehearsal @ GBHS Auditorium (3:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball v. Indian River (4:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball v. Lowville (5:00 PM) Dual Meet for Peewee Wrestling team-Mighty Lions Wrestling @ Dexter Elem Gym (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball v. Indian River (6:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball @ Belleville Henderson (6:00 PM) 5/6 Boys Youth Basketball @ GBHS Auxiliary Gym (6:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball v. Lowville (6:30 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Belleville Henderson (7:30 PM)
Feb 3, 2024
Varsity volleyball Team Breakfast @ GBHS Cafeteria (9:30 AM) (B) V Wrestling Adirondack, Altmar-Parish-Williamstown (APW/Pulaski), Cazenovia, Hannibal, Holland Patent, Lowville, Phoenix, Tully (Southern Hills) @ Canastota (10:00 AM) (G) V Cheerleading (Cheerleading (Winter)) @ TBD (10:00 AM) (G) JV Basketball @ Canton (11:30 AM) FCCLA Practice @ GBHS Classroom (12:00 PM) (G) V Basketball @ Canton (1:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ Lowville (4:00 PM)