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Junior Varsity
Modified 7/8/9
Week 46
May 14, 2023
7 on 7 @ GBHS Fisher Field (6:00 PM)
Indoor Soccer Practice @ GBHS Main Gym (6:00 PM)
May 15, 2023
Open Gym Shoot Around (Basketball) @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM)
Football Conditioning @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Golf - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
Tutoring HS Student/T. Strock @ Dexter Elem (3:15 PM)
(G) MOD7/8/9 Lacrosse - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Softball - Practice (3:45 PM)
(G) V Softball v. Thousand Islands (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ Thousand Islands (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball @ Sackets Harbor (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Lowville (5:30 PM)
Youth Lacrosse-Dexter @ Dexter Elem Soccer Field (5:30 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse v. Syracuse City (Syracuse City) (6:00 PM)
Girls Varsity Lacrosse Team Dinner @ GBHS Cafeteria (7:30 PM)
May 16, 2023
Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM)
BOE Budget Vote/Election @ GBHS Main Gym (11:00 AM)
CFES Mentor Meeting with 10th grade @ GBHS GB Room (2:30 PM)
Speed Training @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Softball - Practice (3:00 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) JV Baseball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball - Practice (3:15 PM)
Tutoring HS Student/T. Strock @ Dexter Elem (3:15 PM)
(G) MOD7/8/9 Lacrosse - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Golf @ Lowville (4:00 PM)
CANCELLED: (G) V Softball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(B) JV Baseball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) JV Softball v. Indian River (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. Sandy Creek (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse @ Indian River (4:30 PM)
Youth Lacrosse Practices @ Dexter Elem Soccer Field (5:30 PM)
Junior High Concert @ GBHS Auditorium (6:00 PM)
Girl Scout Troop Meetings @ Dexter Elem Cafe (6:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse @ Indian River (6:30 PM)
May 17, 2023
Open Gym Shoot Around (Basketball) @ GBHS Main Gym (7:00 AM)
PPS Meetings @ GBHS GB Room (9:30 AM)
Football Conditioning @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM)
CFES Mentor Meeting with 10th grade @ GBHS GB Room (2:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Baseball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
Tutoring HS Student/T. Strock @ Dexter Elem (3:15 PM)
District EAP Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (3:30 PM)
GBTA Spring Membership Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (3:40 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) V Golf v. Watertown (4:00 PM)
(B) V Baseball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ Sandy Creek (4:30 PM)
(G) V Softball v. Sandy Creek (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Sandy Creek (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Softball @ Carthage (4:30 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (5:00 PM)
Youth Lacrosse-Dexter @ Dexter Elem Soccer Field (5:30 PM)
Open Mat Wrestling @ GBHS Weight Room (5:45 PM)
May 18, 2023
Generalaires Meeting @ GBHS Allison Room (7:00 AM)
3rd Grade Concert @ B-GP Elem Cafe (2:00 PM)
Speed Training @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
Volleyball Open Gym & Weight Room @ GBHS Weight Room (3:00 PM)
CANCELLED: (G) V Softball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Golf - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Baseball - Practice (3:00 PM)
Volleyball Open Gym & Weight Room @ GBHS Main Gym (3:00 PM)
Tutoring HS Student/T. Strock @ Dexter Elem (3:15 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Softball - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Softball - Practice (3:45 PM)
(B) JV Baseball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) MOD7/8/9 Lacrosse @ Watertown (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Baseball v. Altmar-Parish-Williamstown (4:30 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) V Baseball @ South Lewis (5:00 PM)
Performing Arts Booster Club Meeting @ GBHS GB Room (5:30 PM)
Youth Lacrosse Practices @ Dexter Elem Soccer Field (5:30 PM)
Open Mat Wrestling @ GBHS Weight Room (5:45 PM)
May 19, 2023
Football Conditioning @ GBHS Weight Room (2:30 PM)
(B) JV Lacrosse - Practice (2:45 PM)
(B) V Golf - Practice (3:00 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) JV Baseball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball - Practice (3:15 PM)
(G) MOD7/8/9 Lacrosse - Practice (3:30 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) JV Baseball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) JV Softball v. Watertown (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Lacrosse v. Watertown (4:30 PM)
(B) V Baseball v. McGraw (5:00 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) 7/8TH Baseball v. McGraw (5:00 PM)
(G) V Softball @ Holland Patent (5:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse @ Cazenovia (with Hamilton) (5:30 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse @ Westhill (6:00 PM)
FCCLA Paint & Snack Night @ GBHS Cafeteria (6:00 PM)
May 20, 2023
Prom Lock-In @ GBHS Cafeteria, GBHS Auxiliary Gym, GBHS Main Gym, GBHS Weight Room (12:00 AM)
(G) JV Softball @ Camden (10:00 AM)
Weight Training @ GBHS Weight Room (10:00 AM)
(B) JV Baseball - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) 7/8TH Baseball @ Beaver River (11:00 AM)
(B) JV Lacrosse @ Chittenango (11:00 AM)
Prom Lock-In @ GBHS Cafeteria, GBHS Main Gym, GBHS Auxiliary Gym, GBHS Weight Room (10:00 PM)