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Sep 4, 2022
Sep 5, 2022
Sep 6, 2022
(G) JV Soccer (East) v. East Syracuse Minoa (4:30 PM) (G) V Tennis (Henninger) @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM) (B) JV Volleyball (Syracuse City) @ Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM) (B) JV Football v. Nottingham (5:00 PM) (G) V Swimming/Diving (Syracuse City) v. Christian Brothers Academy, Dewitt (6:00 PM) (G) V Soccer (Syracuse City) v. East Syracuse Minoa (6:30 PM) (B) V Volleyball (Syracuse City) @ Fayetteville-Manlius (6:30 PM)
Sep 7, 2022
CANCELLED: (B) JV Soccer v. Liverpool (4:30 PM) (G) JV Volleyball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM) (G) V Volleyball v. Fayetteville-Manlius (6:00 PM) (B) V Soccer v. Liverpool (6:30 PM)
Sep 8, 2022
(B) V Golf (Syracuse City) v. East Syracuse Minoa (Orange), Auburn (White) (3:30 PM) (G) V Tennis (Henninger) v. Liverpool (4:30 PM) (B) JV Volleyball (Syracuse City) v. East Syracuse Minoa (4:30 PM) (B) V Football @ Liverpool (6:00 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Fall) v. TBD (6:00 PM) (B) V Volleyball (Syracuse City) v. East Syracuse Minoa (6:00 PM) Nottingham: H.W. Smith Middle School (Gym)
Sep 9, 2022
(G) JV Volleyball @ Institute of Technology, Syracuse (4:00 PM) (G) JV Soccer (East) v. Cortland (5:00 PM) Henninger: Henninger Stadium (G) V Swimming/Diving (Syracuse City) @ Liverpool (5:00 PM) (G) V Volleyball @ Institute of Technology, Syracuse (5:30 PM) (G) V Soccer (Syracuse City) v. Cortland (6:30 PM) Henninger: Henninger Stadium
Sep 10, 2022
(B) JV Football v. Liverpool (10:00 AM)