Date |
Oct 9, 2020 |
Start time |
4:30 PM |
End time |
5:30 PM |
Location |
Greenville Track |
Teams: |
Sport |
Cross Country (Girls) |
Bus company/driver |
Class dismissal time |
Departure point |
Departure date |
Departure time |
Return Date |
Return time |
Notes |
Each player is allowed only 2 spectators - No exceptions. As per NYSDOH guidance, spectators must maintain six feet of physical distance between individuals and/or family/household units at all times and all spectators must wear face coverings. Bring your own chair to the event as the bleachers have been removed to discourage congregating. Spectators will be asked to sign in at the contest in case we need to contact trace. Thank you for making this a positive experience for everyone.
XC will start and finish on the outdoor basketball courts behind our MS. The best vantage point for the XC meet will be at the George V. Vanderbilt Town Park. Please use the softball field parking lot for spectators
The Capital Project is complete and there is a new roadway that goes out behind our building. Buses and spectators should enter the MS/HS campus and take their first left and this will take them behind the building. If the parking lots are full out back please have people park in front of the building and walk out back. Please DO NOT park on the side of the road out back.