Girls Varsity Cross Country Taconic Hills, Hawthorne Valley, Loudonville Christian, Rensselaer, Chatham, Catskill, Coxsackie-Athens, Cairo-Durham, Windham-Ashland-Jewitt, Hunter-Tannersville, Watervliet, Greenville @ Maple Hill
General information
Date | Sep 25, 2021 |
Start time | 10:00 AM |
End time | |
Location | MHHS Cross Country Course |
Teams: |
Sport | Cross Country (Girls) |
Transportation information
Bus company/driver | |
Class dismissal time | |
Departure point | |
Departure date | |
Departure time | |
Return Date | |
Return time | |
Notes |
Spectators need to park in front of the Maple Hill High School and walk to the back of the school where our course starts and finishes. Maple Hill can only accommodate handicap parking behind the high school.