Boys 7th/8th Baseball v. Christian Brothers Academy, Albany (Purple)
General information
Date | Apr 29, 2025 |
Start time | 4:15 PM |
End time | 6:40 PM |
Location | Babe Ruth Field |
Teams: | |
Sport | Baseball (Boys) |
Transportation information
Columbia High School
Bus company/driver | |
Class dismissal time | |
Departure point | |
Departure date | |
Departure time | |
Return Date | |
Return time | |
Notes |
*Babe Ruth Field - I-90 East to Exit 9, take a right onto Rt. 4 at the roundabout take the second right to remain on Rt. 4; at traffic light take a left onto Rt. 9&20, at second traffic light take a right onto Gilligan Road, approx.1/2 mile, field on left.