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February 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Jan 26, 2025
Jan 27, 2025
CANCELLED: (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Bowling - Practice (3:15 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:15 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Jan 28, 2025: (B) 7TH Basketball v. Carthage (5:00 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 19, 2025: (G) V Basketball @ Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM) POSTPONED: (G) JV Basketball @ Fayetteville-Manlius (5:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Jan 28, 2025: (B) 8TH Basketball v. Carthage (6:30 PM)
Jan 28, 2025
Sports Pictures @ Indian River High School Auxiliary Gym (2:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (B) V Bowling @ Alexandria (4:00 PM) (G) V Bowling @ Alexandria (4:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball @ Watertown (4:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball v. Carthage (5:00 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 7, 2025: (G) V Wrestling @ Gouverneur (5:00 PM) POSTPONED: (B) JV Basketball @ Lowville (5:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball @ Watertown (6:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball v. Carthage (6:30 PM)
Jan 29, 2025
(B) V Basketball @ Lowville (10:00 AM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling v. Beaver River (6:00 PM)
Jan 30, 2025
(B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Bowling - Practice (3:15 PM) (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:15 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball @ Watertown (4:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball @ Watertown (4:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball v. Immaculate Heart Central, Watertown (5:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling @ Camden (6:00 PM) (G) V Basketball v. Immaculate Heart Central, Watertown (7:00 PM)
Jan 31, 2025
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) Meet - Girls Varsity Bowling Meet - Boys Varsity Bowling (B) JV Basketball v. Watertown (5:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track @ TBD (6:00 PM) Indian River: St. Lawrence University, Canton NY (B) V Winter Track @ TBD (6:00 PM) Indian River: St. Lawrence University, Canton NY (B) V Basketball v. Watertown (7:00 PM)
Feb 1, 2025
(G) 7/8TH Winter Track @ TBD (10:00 AM) Indian River: St. Lawrence University, Canton NY (B) V Wrestling Carthage, Watertown, General Brown, South Jefferson, Lowville, Beaver River, Copenhagen @ South Lewis (10:00 AM) (G) JV Basketball v. Christian Brothers Academy, Dewitt (11:00 AM) (B) JV Basketball @ Lisbon (11:00 AM) (G) V Basketball v. Christian Brothers Academy, Dewitt (12:45 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Lisbon (12:45 PM)
Feb 2, 2025
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (5:30 PM)
Feb 3, 2025
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) POSTPONED: (B) V Bowling v. Beaver River, Alexandria, Watertown (4:00 PM) Indian River: Pla-Mor Lanes-Watertown POSTPONED: (G) V Bowling v. Alexandria, Beaver River, Watertown (4:00 PM) Indian River: Pla-Mor Lanes-Watertown (G) 7TH Basketball @ Lowville (4:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball v. Lowville (5:00 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball @ Lowville (6:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball v. Lowville (6:30 PM)
Feb 4, 2025
(B) JV Wrestling @ TBD (TBD) South Lewis: South Lewis HS/MS (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (TBD) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:20 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (B) JV Basketball @ Carthage (5:30 PM) (G) V Basketball @ Carthage (5:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) @ TBD (6:00 PM) South Jefferson: SJ HS/MS Gym 2 (HS) (B) JV Wrestling South Jefferson, Carthage, Beaver River, Adirondack @ South Lewis (6:00 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) General Brown, Sandy Creek (Sandy Creek (Winter)), Belleville Henderson, Lyme, Carthage @ South Jefferson (Winter) (6:00 PM) (G) JV Basketball @ Carthage (7:15 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Carthage (7:15 PM)
Feb 5, 2025
(G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:20 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM)
Feb 6, 2025
CANCELLED: (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:20 PM) CANCELLED: (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) POSTPONED: (B) JV Basketball v. Lowville (5:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 6, 2025: POSTPONED: (B) JV Basketball v. Lowville (5:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Mar 10, 2025: (G) 8TH Basketball v. South Jefferson (6:00 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 7, 2025: (B) V Basketball v. Lowville (5:30 PM)
Feb 7, 2025
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (G) V Wrestling @ Gouverneur (5:00 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball @ South Lewis (5:00 PM) (B) V Basketball v. Lowville (5:30 PM) POSTPONED: (G) JV Basketball v. LaFargeville (5:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track @ TBD (6:00 PM) Indian River: St. Lawrence University, Canton NY (B) V Winter Track @ TBD (6:00 PM) Indian River: St. Lawrence University, Canton NY (B) 8TH Basketball @ South Lewis (6:30 PM) (G) V Basketball v. LaFargeville (7:30 PM)
Feb 8, 2025
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (TBD) Fulton: Bodley H S (G) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM) Meet - Girls (Winter) Varsity Cheerleading (B) V Wrestling Auburn, Carthage, Central Square, East Syracuse Minoa, Oswego, Watertown, Whitesboro @ Fulton (10:00 AM) (G) 7/8TH Winter Track @ TBD (10:00 AM) Indian River: St. Lawrence University, Canton NY CANCELLED: (B) JV Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
Feb 9, 2025
(G) V Bowling @ TBD (9:00 AM) Indian River: Flamingo Bowl (G) V Winter Track - Practice (5:30 PM)
Feb 10, 2025
(G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball v. General Brown (5:00 PM) (B) JV Basketball v. South Jefferson (5:00 PM) "JV Boys Basketball Tournament" South Jefferson: Watertown HS Gym (B) 7TH Basketball @ Beaver River (5:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball v. General Brown (6:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball @ Beaver River (6:45 PM)
Feb 11, 2025
(B) V Basketball TBD @ TBD (TBD) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) CANCELLED: (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:20 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) (G) JV Basketball v. Watertown (5:30 PM)
Feb 12, 2025
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ TBD (2:00 PM) Nottingham: Nottingham High School (Pool) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:20 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (B) V Basketball v. Carthage (4:30 PM) (B) JV Basketball @ General Brown (5:00 PM) "JV Boys Basketball Tournament" Watertown: Watertown Case M S (G) V Basketball v. Immaculate Heart Central, Watertown (6:15 PM)
Feb 13, 2025
(B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) CANCELLED: (G) V Bowling - Practice (3:20 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Mar 13, 2025: (G) 7TH Basketball @ Watertown (4:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Mar 13, 2025: (G) 8TH Basketball @ Watertown (4:30 PM)
Feb 14, 2025
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ TBD (2:00 PM) Nottingham: Nottingham High School (Pool) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (3:50 PM) (B) JV Basketball @ Lowville (4:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball @ Sandy Creek (5:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball @ Sandy Creek (5:00 PM)
Feb 15, 2025
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (TBD) Indian River: Onondaga Community College (G) V Basketball v. General Brown (12:00 PM) Indian River: Jefferson Community College (G) V Basketball v. TBD (12:00 PM) Indian River: Jefferson Community College
Feb 16, 2025
(G) V Wrestling @ TBD (9:00 AM) Indian River: Onondaga Community College Meet - Wrestling
Feb 17, 2025
(G) V Basketball - Practice (10:00 AM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
Feb 18, 2025
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (12:30 PM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:15 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Watertown (5:00 PM)
Feb 19, 2025
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (9:00 AM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (10:00 AM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (10:00 AM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:15 PM) (G) V Basketball @ Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM)
Feb 20, 2025
(G) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (10:00 AM) POSTPONED: (G) V Basketball v. Lisbon (5:00 PM)
Feb 21, 2025
(G) V Wrestling - Practice (10:00 AM) (G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (10:00 AM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (12:00 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (5:00 PM) (G) V Basketball v. Chittenango (6:00 PM)
Feb 22, 2025
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) @ TBD (TBD) Indian River: Onondaga Community College (B) V Wrestling - Practice (8:00 AM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (10:00 AM) (B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Basketball @ Institute of Technology, Syracuse (6:00 PM)
Feb 23, 2025
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (5:30 PM)
Feb 24, 2025
(G) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (4:00 PM)
Feb 25, 2025
(B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) V Wrestling - Practice (2:45 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball @ South Lewis (5:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball @ South Lewis (5:00 PM)
Feb 26, 2025
(G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM) (G) V Bowling @ TBD (3:30 PM) (G) V Basketball @ Christian Brothers Academy, Dewitt (5:00 PM)
Feb 27, 2025
(G) V Wrestling @ TBD (9:30 AM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) (G) V Volleyball - Practice (3:00 PM) (G) 7TH Basketball v. Watertown (4:30 PM) (B) 7TH Basketball v. General Brown (5:00 PM) (B) 8TH Basketball v. General Brown (6:00 PM) (G) 8TH Basketball v. Watertown (6:00 PM)
Feb 28, 2025
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (9:30 AM) Indian River: Times Union Center, Albany, NY (G) V Bowling @ TBD (12:00 PM) (G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) CANCELLED: (B) 7TH Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM) (G) V Winter Track - Practice (2:40 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 27, 2025: (G) 7TH Basketball v. Watertown (4:30 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 27, 2025: (B) 7TH Basketball v. General Brown (5:00 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 27, 2025: (B) 8TH Basketball v. General Brown (6:00 PM) RESCHEDULED TO Feb 27, 2025: (G) 8TH Basketball v. Watertown (6:00 PM)
Mar 1, 2025
(B) V Wrestling @ TBD (8:30 AM) Indian River: Times Union Center, Albany, NY (G) V Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)