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Swimming/Diving (Boys)
Tennis (Boys)
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Basketball (Girls)
Bowling (Girls)
Cheerleading (Girls)
Crew (Girls)
Cross Country (Girls)
Field Hockey (Girls)
Flag Football (Girls)
Golf (Girls)
Gymnastics (Girls)
Ice Hockey (Girls)
Lacrosse (Girls)
Outdoor Track (Girls)
Soccer (Girls)
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Swimming/Diving (Girls)
Tennis (Girls)
Volleyball (Girls)
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Wrestling (Girls)
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Junior Varsity
Modified 9
Modified 7/8/9
Week 11
Sep 11, 2022
Sep 12, 2022
(B) V Golf - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Soccer - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Soccer - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Soccer - Practice (3:15 PM)
(B) JV Football - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Golf @ Fayetteville-Manlius (Green) (3:30 PM)
(G) V Soccer - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Soccer - Practice (3:45 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Field Hockey - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) JV Tennis v. West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Field Hockey @ Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Sep 16, 2022: (G) V Tennis @ West Genesee (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Volleyball v. Nottingham (5:00 PM)
(G) V Volleyball v. Nottingham (6:30 PM)
(G) V Field Hockey @ Fayetteville-Manlius (7:00 PM)
Sep 13, 2022
(G) V Field Hockey - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Golf - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Soccer - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) JV Football - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Soccer - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Soccer - Practice (3:45 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Field Hockey - Practice (4:00 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Sep 23, 2022: (G) V Tennis @ East Syracuse Minoa (4:15 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Football (ORANGE) @ Baldwinsville (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Soccer v. Cicero-North Syracuse (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Volleyball @ Fayetteville-Manlius (5:00 PM)
(G) V Swimming/Diving @ West Genesee (5:00 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Swimming/Diving v. New Hartford (5:00 PM)
(B) V Volleyball @ Fayetteville-Manlius (6:30 PM)
(B) V Soccer v. Cicero-North Syracuse (6:30 PM)
Sep 14, 2022
(B) JV Soccer - Practice (3:00 AM)
(G) V Field Hockey - Practice (2:30 PM)
(G) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Soccer - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Golf v. Cicero-North Syracuse (Green) (3:30 PM)
(B) JV Football - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Field Hockey - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) JV Tennis @ Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Soccer v. Cicero-North Syracuse (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Soccer @ Cicero-North Syracuse (WHITE) (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Volleyball @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(G) V Cross Country v. Cicero-North Syracuse (4:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Cross Country v. Cicero-North Syracuse (4:30 PM)
(B) V Cross Country v. Cicero-North Syracuse (4:30 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Cross Country v. Cicero-North Syracuse (4:30 PM)
(G) V Volleyball @ West Genesee (6:00 PM)
(G) V Soccer v. Cicero-North Syracuse (6:30 PM)
Sep 15, 2022
(G) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Football - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Soccer - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Golf @ Baldwinsville (RED) (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Soccer - Practice (3:45 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Field Hockey - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) V Tennis v. Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
(G) V Field Hockey - Practice (4:30 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) JV Soccer v. Corcoran (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Volleyball v. East Syracuse Minoa (5:00 PM)
(B) 7/8TH Soccer v. Baldwinsville (WHITE) (5:00 PM)
(G) V Gymnastics (ESM/Lpool) @ Central Square (5:00 PM)
(B) V Soccer v. Corcoran (6:30 PM)
(B) V Volleyball v. East Syracuse Minoa (6:30 PM)
Sep 16, 2022
(B) V Cross Country v. TBD (TBD)
(B) JV Soccer - Practice (3:00 AM)
(B) V Soccer - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Football - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Soccer - Practice (3:45 PM)
(G) 7/8TH Field Hockey - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) JV Soccer @ West Genesee (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Field Hockey v. Fayetteville-Manlius (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Tennis @ TBD (4:30 PM) Jamesville-Dewitt: JD HS Tennis Courts
(G) V Tennis @ West Genesee (5:00 PM)
RESCHEDULED TO Sep 21, 2022: (G) V Soccer @ West Genesee (5:30 PM)
(G) V Field Hockey v. Fayetteville-Manlius (6:00 PM)
(B) V Football @ Baldwinsville (6:30 PM)
Sep 17, 2022
(G) V Volleyball v. TBD (TBD)
(G) 7/8TH Cross Country v. TBD (TBD)
(B) 7/8TH Cross Country v. TBD (TBD)
(G) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (7:00 AM)
(B) JV Football v. Baldwinsville (9:00 AM)
CANCELLED: (G) JV Field Hockey @ Auburn (9:30 AM)
(B) JV Volleyball v. Living Word Academy (10:00 AM)
(G) V Field Hockey @ Auburn (11:00 AM)
(B) V Volleyball v. Living Word Academy (11:30 AM)
(B) JV Soccer v. Fayetteville-Manlius (12:00 PM)
(G) V Soccer v. Elmira (1:00 PM)
(B) V Soccer v. Fayetteville-Manlius (2:00 PM)