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Football (Boys)
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Lacrosse (Boys)
Outdoor Track (Boys)
Rifle (Boys)
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Swimming/Diving (Boys)
Tennis (Boys)
Winter Track (Boys)
Wrestling (Boys)
Basketball (Girls)
Cheerleading (Girls)
Crew (Girls)
Cross Country (Girls)
Dance (Girls)
Fencing (Girls)
Field Hockey (Girls)
Flag Football (Girls)
Golf (Girls)
Lacrosse (Girls)
Outdoor Track (Girls)
Soccer (Girls)
Softball (Girls)
Swimming/Diving (Girls)
Tennis (Girls)
Volleyball (Girls)
Winter Track (Girls)
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Junior Varsity
January 2025
Dec 29, 2024
(G) JV Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball v. John Jay HS/ Van Wyck JHS (4:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball v. TBD (6:00 PM)
Dec 30, 2024
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (8:00 AM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (8:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (10:30 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (12:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (1:00 PM)
(B) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (1:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
Dec 31, 2024
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (8:30 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (10:30 AM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (12:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (12:30 PM)
Jan 1, 2025
(B) JV Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
Softball Workouts @ OLL Turf Field Stadium, Small Gym (6:00 PM)
Jan 2, 2025
(B) F Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (7:30 PM)
Jan 3, 2025
(B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Albertus Magnus (5:00 PM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (5:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (6:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (7:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (8:15 PM)
Jan 4, 2025
(B) JV Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Wrestling @ Edgemont (8:00 AM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball @ Pine Bush (4:00 PM) Our Lady of Lourdes: Kingston High School
Town of Poughkeepsie Youth Softball @ Arts and Athletics Center (6:00 PM)
Jan 5, 2025
(G) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (2:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
Jan 6, 2025
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:45 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (5:15 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (6:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (8:00 PM)
Jan 7, 2025
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball @ Hyde Park (4:15 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) @ Ardsley (4:30 PM)
(B) V Fencing (Club) @ Ardsley (4:30 PM)
(B) F Basketball @ Middletown (4:30 PM) Our Lady of Lourdes: Maple Hill Elementary School
(B) JV Basketball v. Hyde Park (4:30 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball @ Hyde Park (5:45 PM)
(B) V Basketball v. Hyde Park (6:00 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
Jan 8, 2025
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
CANCELLED: (G) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ Valley Central (4:30 PM) Our Lady of Lourdes: Valley Central High School
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling v. New Paltz (6:00 PM)
Softball Workouts @ OLL Turf Field Stadium, Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (7:30 PM)
Jan 9, 2025
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ Newburgh HS (4:30 PM)
(B) F Basketball v. Monroe-Woodbury (5:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling @ Nyack (5:00 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (6:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (8:00 PM)
Jan 10, 2025
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball @ Wallkill (4:15 PM)
(B) JV Basketball v. Wallkill (4:30 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (5:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball @ Wallkill (5:45 PM)
(B) V Basketball v. Wallkill (6:00 PM)
Jan 11, 2025
(B) V Wrestling @ Hendrick Hudson (8:30 AM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
CANCELLED: (G) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM)
Town of Poughkeepsie Youth Softball @ Arts and Athletics Center (6:00 PM)
Jan 12, 2025
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (7:00 PM)
Jan 13, 2025
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ Pine Bush (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball v. Kingston (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (6:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (8:00 PM)
Jan 14, 2025
Flag FB Interest Meeting @ Film Room (2:15 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling @ Port Jervis (4:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Saugerties (4:15 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Saugerties (4:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ Kingston (4:30 PM)
(B) F Basketball @ Kingston (4:30 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) v. Nyack (5:00 PM)
(B) V Fencing (Club) v. Nyack (5:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. Saugerties (5:45 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ Saugerties (6:00 PM)
Jan 15, 2025
(B) V Wrestling @ Port Jervis (TBD)
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ New Paltz (4:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (5:30 PM)
Softball Workouts @ OLL Turf Field Stadium, Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ New Paltz (6:00 PM)
Jan 16, 2025
(B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) F Basketball @ Washingtonville (4:30 PM) Our Lady of Lourdes: Washingtonville Middle School
(G) JV Basketball @ Roy C Ketcham/ Wappingers JHS (4:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Kingston (5:00 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling v. John S Burke (6:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (8:00 PM)
Jan 17, 2025
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
POSTPONED: (G) JV Basketball v. New Paltz (4:15 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. New Paltz (5:45 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (7:30 PM)
Jan 18, 2025
(G) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Wrestling @ Putnam Valley (8:00 AM)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (10:00 AM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) v. Mamaroneck, Arlington (10:30 AM)
(B) V Fencing (Club) v. Mamaroneck, Arlington (10:30 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(B) V Basketball Catholic Central, Troy @ LaSalle Institute (4:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
Town of Poughkeepsie Youth Softball @ Arts and Athletics Center (6:00 PM)
Jan 19, 2025
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ LaSalle Institute (2:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
Jan 20, 2025
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (12:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
Jan 21, 2025
(G) V Dance - Practice (2:15 PM)
Sports Med Club Meeting @ Film Room (2:15 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Football - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) F Basketball @ John Jay HS/ Van Wyck JHS (6:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (7:30 PM)
Jan 22, 2025
(G) V Dance - Practice (2:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
Softball Workouts @ Small Gym (3:15 PM)
(B) V Football - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) F Basketball @ TBD (4:30 PM) Our Lady of Lourdes: The Harvey School
(G) JV Basketball @ Pine Bush (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Warwick Valley (5:00 PM)
POSTPONED: (B) V Fencing (Club) v. TBD (5:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
Crew Info Meeting @ Film Room (6:30 PM)
Jan 23, 2025
(G) JV Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) JV Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
Winter Ball @ Arts and Athletics Center (2:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
CANCELLED: (G) JV Basketball - Practice (7:30 PM)
Jan 24, 2025
(B) F Basketball - Practice (2:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Spackenkill (4:15 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Spackenkill (4:15 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. Spackenkill (5:45 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ Spackenkill (5:45 PM)
(B) V Wrestling @ Red Hook (6:00 PM)
Jan 25, 2025
(G) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (10:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (11:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
Town of Poughkeepsie Youth Softball @ Arts and Athletics Center (6:00 PM)
Jan 26, 2025
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (1:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (7:00 PM)
Jan 27, 2025
(B) F Basketball - Practice (12:30 PM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (1:30 PM)
(G) V Dance - Practice (2:15 PM)
(G) V Dance - Practice (2:15 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving @ Warwick Valley (4:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (4:30 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (6:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (6:00 PM)
Jan 28, 2025
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Cheerleading (Winter) - Practice (4:15 PM)
(B) F Basketball v. Warwick Valley (4:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling v. Rondout Valley (5:00 PM)
(G) JV Basketball @ Kingston (5:00 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Monroe-Woodbury (5:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ Monroe-Woodbury (6:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball @ Kingston (6:30 PM)
Jan 29, 2025
(G) JV Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) JV Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (12:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (1:30 PM)
(G) V Dance - Practice (2:15 PM)
(G) V Dance - Practice (2:15 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
Softball Workouts @ OLL Turf Field Stadium, Small Gym (6:00 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (7:30 PM)
Jan 30, 2025
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball - Practice (12:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (12:30 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) JV Basketball - Practice (2:00 PM)
(B) V Lacrosse - Practice (3:00 PM)
(G) V Fencing (Club) - Practice (3:00 PM)
(B) V Basketball - Practice (3:30 PM)
(B) V Wrestling - Practice (3:30 PM)
(G) V Basketball - Practice (5:30 PM)
CYO Basketball Practice @ Small Gym (6:00 PM)
Jan 31, 2025
(B) F Basketball - Practice (12:30 PM)
(G) JV Basketball v. Hyde Park (4:15 PM)
(B) JV Basketball @ Hyde Park (4:15 PM)
(G) V Basketball v. Hyde Park (5:45 PM)
(B) V Basketball @ Hyde Park (5:45 PM)
CANCELLED: (B) V Wrestling v. Rondout Valley (6:00 PM)
(B) V Fencing (Club) @ Columbia High School (NJ) (6:30 PM)
(B) V Swimming/Diving - Practice (7:30 PM)
Feb 1, 2025
(G) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) F Basketball (OFF DAY) - Practice (TBD)
(B) V Wrestling @ Mahopac (8:00 AM)
(G) JV Basketball - Practice (9:00 AM)
(G) V Lacrosse - Practice (10:00 AM)
(B) JV Basketball - Practice (4:00 PM)
Town of Poughkeepsie Youth Softball @ Arts and Athletics Center (6:00 PM)