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Apr 10, 2025 Month Week

(G) JV Lacrosse (Wappingers) @ Mahopac (TBD) (G) V Lacrosse (Wappingers) @ Mahopac (TBD) Wappingers Junior HS 7th Graders to Boston @ Wappingers Junior High School (7:00 AM) (B) V Golf @ Arlington (3:00 PM) John Jay HS/ Van Wyck JHS: The Links at Union Vale (G) V Golf (Wappingers) @ Arlington (3:30 PM) (B) V Baseball v. Lakeland (4:30 PM) (B) JV Baseball @ Lakeland (4:30 PM) (B) F Baseball @ Roy C Ketcham/ Wappingers JHS (4:30 PM) (G) V Softball @ Arlington (4:30 PM) (G) JV Softball v. Arlington (4:30 PM) (G) V Flag Football (Wappingers Titans) v. TBD (5:00 PM)